发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2023 A fine spatial resolution estimation scheme for large-scale gross primary productivity (GPP) in mountain ecosystems by integrating an eco-hydrological model with the combination of linear and non-linear downscaling processes Journal of Hydrology Xinyao Xie, Ainong Li , Jie Tian, Changlin Wu, Huaan Jin SCI
2023 Correlations between the soil bacterialfeeding nematodes, bacteria, and nitrogen in the cropland of the Upper Yangtze River, China Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Jigao Wang, Xuechun Zhao, Kai Wei, Jialiang Tang, Chaoyan Yuan, Baocheng Jin, Xiaoming Sun, Bo Zhu SCI
2023 Field migration of veterinary antibiotics via surface runoff from chicken-raising orchard in responding to natural rainfalls Science of The Total Environment Xin-Yu Liu,Xiao-Yun Gu, Chen Liu,Lanre Anthony Gbadegesin,Yang He,Jian-Qiang Zhang SCI
2023 The effect of upland crop planting on field N2O emission from rice-growing seasons: A case study comparing rice-wheat and rice-rapeseed rotations Agriculture Ecosystems and Enviroment Peng Xu,Mengdie Jiang,Imran Khan,Muhammad Shaaban,Jinsong Zhao,Tewu Yang, Ronggui Hu SCI
2023 Rice planting reduced N2O emissions from rice-growing seasons due to increased nosZ gene abundance under a rice-wheat rotation system European Jouurnal of Agronomy Peng Xu, Mengdie Jiang, Imran Khan, Jinsong Zhao, Ronggui Hu SCI
2023 山地生态系统通量足迹遥感像元尺度空间代表性分析 遥感学报 邬昌林,谢馨瑶,李爱农 EI
2023 腐植酸作用下生物炭对Cd污染土壤的修复效果 农业环境科学学报 马翔邦,赵转军,韩亮威,郑旭,孙国怀,岳皓钰 CSCD
2023 河流泥沙输移过程中矿物风化的碳汇效应初探—以长江干流为例 地质学报 张信宝,罗景城,王小国,唐家良,彭韬,朱波 CSCD
2023 藏东南区梯田和复合坡耕地土壤侵蚀对有机碳和全氮空间分布格局的影响 水土保持通报 王丽娟,苏正安,周涛,张广兴,王俊杰,刘翊涵,伍佐 CSCD
2023 A novel tool for tracing water sources of streamflow in a mixed land-use catchment Science of The Total Environment Zhi-Xiang Sun,Jun-Fang Cui,Jian-Hua Cheng,Xiang-Yu Tang SCI
2023 工程堆积体典型生态修复措施对土壤侵蚀水动力过程的影响 农业工程学报 周涛,苏正安,刘刚才,王俊杰,刘翊涵,伍佐,王丽娟 EI
2023 水位波动和氮浓度变化对氮转化功能基因丰度的影响 中国环境科学 崔荣阳,刘刚才,胡万里,付斌,陈安强 CSCD
2023 耕地土壤健康评价的一种新方法及其应用 西南农业学报 Hussain Zakir,邓利梅,汪璇,崔荣阳,周涛,刘刚才 CSCD
2023 紫色土丘陵区坡地柑橘园土壤碳氮的空间分布特征 环境科学 李子阳,陈露,赵鹏,周明华,郑静,朱波 EI
2023 紫色土丘陵区退耕还林对坡地土壤碳氮空间分布的影响 环境科学 李子阳,刘伟,李春培,朱波,周明华 EI
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